New Nordic Voices


The Nordic Film Schools educate storytellers of tomorrow. And as a result, they each bear a significant responsibility in what kinds of films and series the future holds for us. The NORD project was hatched from an idea of taking on this responsibility by facilitating artistic and cultural cross-country networks, unearthing all that makes Nordic narratives special.

The visionary project launched in 2021 at the National Film School of Denmark. Thanks to generous support from A.P Moller Foundation, students from The Norwegian Film School, Stockholm University of the Arts, and the National Film School of Denmark were given a unique opportunity to tap into new creative communities across the Nordic borders.

This year’s Göteborg Film Festival marks a project peak, as students from each school present the work-in-progress projects they have been collaborating on throughout NORD’s life span to an audience of industry stakeholders.

By letting an entire generation of Nordic filmmakers get to know each other creatively, culturally and personally, students have been given the resources needed to create works of a lasting cultural footprint.

Read more about the projects and the New Nordic Voices here.

In Collaboration
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